Friday, 17 May 2019

Working on the paper pattern

Weaver's log, Earthdate 26042018
I have been asked in a wadmal felting group on Facebook to show some before and after shots of my fabrics, and as I don't have too many of them on here I thought I make a new post about it.
This two I weaved then I did the main textile cores on Bäckedal. Thes were made for an early medieval costume but the black shrunk with little over a meter lengthwise so I don't have enough for my initial idea so in my frustration I just put the cloths aside. The inlay in both is spun on a spindle from combed yarn, except half the white one as I ran out of time. The white is from a sheep I shared with hand sheers so its a bit extra special for me as I got to know the sheep. The final picture is of the warp-weighted as I don't put up a decent after shot after it dried. (I will try to remember to take this picturs)

Weaver's log, Earthdate 22062018
The floor is mostly cleared and I can start working on the pattern. I Start to straighten and draw in all lines so they are more visible. Thankfully my dad had this big angle iron I could use for this. I then drew the withs for both the floor loom and warp weighted fabrics, starting from the long middle of the short side. Wher the angels cut the straight line I draw a horizontal line over the corresponding with and measured where that point was from the bottom of the pattern. Lastly I drow all of the measurements on paper. The prosses will be more clear after studying the scans of those down below. I did this over a couple of days but it's a simple enough proses so I summit up on one entry. The worst part about this step is that I can't stand on my knees or they will poop, so I have to be careful and moving was tricky as I couldn't slide on the paper or it would rip as I found out the hard way. After this was done I did some math over how much I will need in the end.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 16012019
Ordered the fabric today from the store I got the samples from two years ago, really excited to get it here and start sawing. I also ordered some of the blue fabric for a geteld, it will be nice to have if I don't feel like needing much space other then to sleep in and it takes a lot less space to pack.

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