Sunday, 12 May 2019

Week 55 (The end is nigh)

Weaver's log, Earthdate 23032015 
I have now woven so much that the chain stitch that I use to separate the threads has reached the knots on the warp, so the job of adjusting
the weights take a bit longer now as I have to pick each thread that has a knot with a crochet needle. But none the less I made progress and finished all the runes in Hel. All the runes in Hel were chosen for their meaning. Below you can see a description I like for them (I have no idea where that pic is now then I upload this 4 years after writing, but then I find it I will add it), as with a lot of things from the Viking age, there is a lot of interpretations of the meaning of the runes, and this picture shows the one I was taught to me some years ago. Thes runes are from the older Futark and the once I'm to add later are from the Junger Futark as I don't know the meaning of them.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 25032015

 I have now worked on the final chapter of this story and that is that Oden gave humanity the runic alphabet or Futark after he learned all its secrets so mankind could start writing down things.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 27032015 
The runs are taking shape but you can really see the effects that the mistake I hade with Sleipnir in the beginning now take its tole as you can see how spars the base weft starts to be. So I took a decision to finish the weft without the runs and then embroider them on later mimicking the technic I hade used throughout the weave.

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