Saturday, 11 May 2019

Week 40 (Slow weaving and knitting)

Weaver's log, Earthdate 10112014
This week and the two that come after that I will have the textile class down in my basement, as they are going to weave on warp-weighted looms too if that is not exciting enough a new girl will join them during that period as they didn't weave on warp-weighted when she did the textile cors.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 12112014
This day went by so slow and I didn't get any weaving speed as threads kept on braking. So instead I did some braiding on a string that I am to have for my weaving comb so I at least got something done today.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 14112014
The girls in the textile class have been Nagin on me to start knitting, so I fell under peer pressure and got me some yarn after school, and started making a ball of yarn. And in the evening I started on small squares, unfortunately, I couldn't get very far as I broke my needles.

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