Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Week 13 (Thread braking)

Weaver's log, Earthdate 11112013 
I overslept until lunch today so my schedule that I hade thought out went to shreds. So I only got half a day of weaving done today so I stayed until seven to make up for the hours I lost in the morning. Quite fast I realised that this warp is not the strongest, I really hope they will not break this much the whole length.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 12112013 
Overslept again, only to the coffee break at ten luckily enough. But my teacher didn't look too happy that she saw me after the break. I really have to figure out why I am so tired. Threads keep on braking today too, so I am trying to not really beat it when I pull in the inlay and only beat it after I have switched tredel.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 13112013 
The beating test didn't work so good so today I will beat it more like short wrist movements close to the fabric hope this will work. Other than that am really pleased with the fabric am getting.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 14112013 
The warp still brakes way to often so now I have moved to the third and hopefully final test on beating it without threads breaking. I basically lean backwards and use my body weight to beat it. So far I can't see any difference in the quality from then I did beat it hard. Not sure if it helps the threads to stay intact yet thou.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 15112013 
On what I can tell this new way of beating have reduced the number of threads braking dramatically. I hade a class meeting today and as always its fun to see what my classmates are up to. One of them had found a new way of spinning that sounded very interesting, and he was to experiment with it some more.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 16112013 
In my plan of 316cm a week, I included the weekends as well so I did some weaving today as well.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 17112013 
Didn't do as much weaving as I needed today but you have to take a break someday right.

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