Friday, 17 May 2019

Decoration and mortise cutting

Weaver's log, Earthdate 24092017
I am now to walk you through the proses of putting on the horse heads, which was what I did today. First I taped the paper to a sheet of carbon paper that was then taped to the wood where I wanted it.

After tracing, I marked the area that I was to remove. 

I then started sawing with a jigsaw. I like to saw in sections for maximal control. Starting at some parts was a bit tricky so I trick I utilised was something I learned working in silver, if you first do a little notch the saw will then start cutting without slipping then you want to cut a line at an angel.

 I was scared of the back blowing out as it often does with jigsaws and drills so I taped the back with masking tape, I later discovered that the bords were so thick that at least the jigsaw didn't need it.

 The opposite side of the horse heads I rounded using a bucket I felt lookt right.

 For the hols that will serve as mortis, I started with a drill the same size as on the hole saw have in the middle then with the hole saw, through this project I have used three different sets of hole saws and the one I like the most is the one that's most expensive so if you're getting a hole saw its worth not to get a cheap one. The most expensive one I bought was not 10€ so it's still not really expensive. The hole saw couldn't go the whole way through so I had to drill from both sides. I did not hit exakt centre but I can fix it with a knife later

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