Tuesday, 7 April 2020

I start sewing

Weaver's log, Earthdate 14082019
So I am back at the farm to sew the tent, but I haven't gotten my sewing tape yet. Thought I would get it by now as I ordered last Saturday so they could see it on Monday morning even though they hade a message on the top of the site saying it will take more than usual time for delivery. So as I haven't heard anything yet I followed the link to their blog and saw that all orders made week 33 will be shipped next week. So I get they count my order to be made this week.

So instead I have carved down the pegs that hold the frame together so that sit deeper in the hols and looked for pictures on Rohan sun motifs as I want to have an ornamental sun to put on the top peg over the door, it took nearly six hours, but now I have converted one of the images of a shield to a black and white image of only the pattern and made rescaled it so it is 14 cm tall and 12 cm wide.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 15082019
I planned to thin the tent posts and maybe build two chairs as I don't have the tape I need to sew yet. But after a slow start, I called my mom and I told her about what I hade read on the web page yesterday, after some time she said she hade to go as she was heading to the store to get some food. So I asked back if she wanted some blackcurrants and that I could pick some and she could gather the bucket after the store. Why I'm I telling you this you might wonder, that I shall tell you. Then she arrived she hade an envelope that was addressed to me and it was my tape. Its called Stylefix and am looking forward to using and reporting about it tomorrow.

I also took another look at the sun I took out in photoshop yesterday and realised that the knotwork on it will be too small for me to carve on wood. At least at the size I wich to do it at. This is sad as I like knotwork but what can one do. As I write this the thought hit me that I might be able to do a different knotwork of my own on it that is not as dense as the one on the pattern.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 16082019
Slow start again, but I got a lot to write about so prepper for a long post. The first I did today was to unbox my new sewing machine. I got this as an early 30 birthday gift. Its a Janome and it is amazing, one of my favourite Funktion is an automatic needle threader that's mounted in the machine. The first thing I sewed 
was a bag out of a small piece of fabric that I got over from the big roll of fabric. I am planning to sew buttons on it later and try the automated buttonhole pressing for.

After that, I started to tape two of the long side pieces. I like the tapa and it is really thin and is easy to use. The seam I was going to do was a fully flat seam, on how you do one of them I will refer you to this video on youtube.  
It is the third seam he shows. After three hours of taping and doing the first two of the three steps and started on the third step, I realised that the fabric is to stiff to do a fully flat seam. So instead I did a half flat seam which is the second seam he shows and kept the centimetre from the first step on doing a fully flat seam.

The sewing went so and so. It is fiddly to feed the fabric and am worried how it will go then I get more fabric that gets sown together. The machine also always stop with the needle lifted and that leed to the fabric slipping so some parts of the seam have pore quality, some parts so bad that I might need to re-sew the entire seam to be sure it is good enough. The last thing I did today was to fold over the seam and tape it down.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 17082019
Kept on sewing today and got the seam I folded yesterday and the third long length of fabric sawn to the other two.
The sewing went better today then I tightened the thread tension a little. I broke my first needle on the tent today though and then I were to put a new in, I dropped it and it bounced on the floor to my foot and down between the floorboards, so I hade to use the last needle I have so I might have to buy some more next week. Talking about next week. On Monday I will start another year of weaving classes but at the Folkhögskola in my home town. This will result in a lot of fun weaving projects, and best of all I have no idea what they will be but more on that on Monday then I have talked to my teacher as I'm doing a special version of the class. Back to the tent, I am getting worried how I will going to continue to sew as I add more Fabrik as of now it's already quite awkward to work with, and how to get the short sides on and things like that. But one thing at a time. Here are some pictures of how I do the half-folded seam now, and it seems to work quite good.

Then you fold down the last fold, put the tape close to the edge or it will poke out like this.

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