Saturday, 11 April 2020

Field trip to Delsbo, lots of fabric photos

Weaver's log, Earthdate 16122019
Field trip today, first of to Delsbo forngård, and check out their permanent exhibition they have adjacent to the old buildings. It was very well made with nice exhibition drawers and glass cases. But the big thing for me was to see some of the original pieces of clothing of the fabric am doing an analysis of from the museum. Then we were off to an online yarn store that got its storage also in Delsbo, there was so much yarn. The reason we went there was to find a yarn for the inlay to the scarfs we are doing next year. As am allergic to polyester I hade to do a good look around, but after some time I found a rainbow yarn that was 100% wool, so I got one of each of the 4 configurations there was of it to get all the colours in the scarf. The yarn is called Maya and is from the company Jarbo. We finished this great day with coffee at one of my teacher's house, it was really cosy and Christmasy, and she had baked bread and cakes, so yummy.

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