Thursday, 9 April 2020

Started weaving on the work shirt cloth

Weaver's log, Earthdate 30092019
Got to the front tieing and checked the shed and something wasn't right. Found threads that were crosst in the heedels, then I fixed that I found an empty dent so I went to fix that, and in the process, I missed another and after that another.

Then that ordeal was done I was ready to go home but I prest on and put in my first inlay. Realised that it would take some time to get the split the front tieing sorted so I got some rag rugs and beat those in instead of my fine wool thread to speed up that process.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 01102019
My teacher came into the weaving classroom then I was full at work weaving, sat down and took a quick look on my weave and almost instantly found another missed dent and some threads that were in the wrong place, so she said ''let's fix that'' and pulled the threads out from the part I hade weaved. Got up and told me what to do and then go and fetch her again, I was slightly stunned but know that she knows what she is doing, but man it was scary than she started pulling out the warp.
The stick on the next image is there to give the inlay a good edge to start forming along so it forms straight.
The rest of the days weaving went totally the other direction then what the work previous hade.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 02102019
The second time my class is in school today. Other then talking about what we have woven the month that past, we went to the local museum and looked around and met the one who is responsible for textiles, and she talked about what she can help with if we want any help from the museum. After dinner, we all met and sewed on a needle envelope, again direct translated, and hade some te and coffee just chilling.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 09102019
Disaster! The warp snapped on me, was moving forward more warp and heard a strange sound, though it was the front tieing stick that was chafing, then a boom and all threads snaped. As I wasn't in a too good mood then I went to school, this was the last straw and I went home.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 10102019
A new day and with the help of my teacher I am back in action again.
I have now come so far as to that the weave hit the front beam so its time to put some sticks in to protect it, but as we have a paper mill close by we get paper and use that instead. Think I have covered that before but am not sure.

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