Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Week 10 (SO MUCH YARN)

Weaver's log, Earthdate 21102013 
Monday again, I started the day by taking a long walk and got back for lunch. After lunch I carded up the last wool I hade to card. It felt great then I stowed the drum carder back in its box. But am not done yet with processing the wool. Have some to comb left but not much so this chapter of the story will soon be done and it feels great.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 22102013 
Today the first snow came but at 2 o'clock the snow turned in to rain and an hour later it was all goon. My yarn came yesterday afternoon but didn't notice until the staff left. So today I finally got to collect my packages from the reception, two big boxes and a package wrapped in paper. I and my teacher had a talk how to approach the next step in the project and I got assigned a loom, the loom that I will be using is called ¨3¨ and am sure you will see lots of pictures of it when I start weaving. The first of two weaves I will do in the floor loom is going to be the smaller of the two and, will be about 22 meters as I put it into the loom but the final product will be around the 19 meters.

 I started the weaving process by doing the first step, which is to put the yarn on huge bobbins so I can put it on a warpmill easier. My initial plan was on using two bobbins but after the first were full after about 700 grams of yarn I felt that I had to do it on three, then the second was filed with the new amount I needed over three I realized that the first one where just badly done and that I could easily have done it on two but I stuck with the new plan to use three. 

Weaver's log, Earthdate 23102013 
As I did not Finnish the bobbin yesterday I finished it today but did not start putting it on the warpmill as ones I start with that I can not stop for a longer time as the threads will lose their tension.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 24102013 
Today were the day that I took on the beast that is warping, starting after breakfast with only one 25min lunch break, I was done at 14:00. It went pretty smooth with only some problems and those problems were more frustrating than anything, counting wrong and thread running out on the bobbins things like that. I also went home to my mom today and it was great seeing The family agene.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 25102013 
Today I had a doctors appointment, and to not go into too many details I am happy with the result. The rest of the day I spent looking at couches with my mom and learned there is much more to it then I imagined.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 26102013 
I woke up today with a severe headache so my plans on working in the garden and going to the woods collecting heather went down the drain sadly as I could beryl move.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 27102013 
I feel better in the head today and that is good as I am to help bring in the sheep from there pasture today and give the ewes worm medicine. I love working with them, I love sheep and doing hard work that gets your pulse up.

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