Thursday, 19 September 2013

week 4 (Spinning,pink and ALPACAS)

Weaver's log, Earthdate 09092013 
Week four of ¨Operation Roof over head¨ has begun. I started with the final woodworking today. But at lunch, a classmate told me that we were going to have a meeting after lunch with our teacher and that lasted a good old while all the way to the afternoon coffee break. After the break, I went back to the woodshop but the blacksmiths where there so I made a tactical retreat to my room until their class ended and I slunk back and finished the what I was working on.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 10092013 
Tuesday started bad, overslept both breakfasts and morning coffee break, but after lunch, my class and our teacher took the school car and went on a field trip to a farm with alpacas and a sheep race called Jämtlandsfår that have really cool wool. Now am totally in love with alpacas but I think I will start with goats then I get a farm as they are cheaper and I will get meat and skins, so I think they will pay off themselves faster. But I am defiantly in love with alpacas

Weaver's log, Earthdate 11092013 
Today I have spun some more and even though it doesn't flow as good as the first day my skill has definitely improved, I also washed the wool I haven't combed yet to see if it makes it easier to comb. I also got some grave news from the spinnery today, apparently, there where much more hay dust, double cuts and even tips that hade felted together so as it stands now they are waiting for my orders on how to preside.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 12092013 
As I expected the washed wool were so much easier to comb and where exactly what I needed to do. The day started for real at the morning coffee break then I caught my teacher to tell her the grave news, that might not sound that exciting and it wasn't the exciting part, but she had been thinking and realizes that the pieces of yarn I got before I went on summer break were just for the inlay, as I were only to spin the inlay in the original plan. So after lunch, we sat down with some fabric examples from a Danish project to reproduce Viking wool sails called ¨Dragens vinge¨ and recalculated stuff like how many threads I should have in warp and inlay as I had forgotten that when you take it out of the loom it contracts. So with the new calculations and some extra, I need almost 10kg less thread to Finnish the cloth. I also sent the order to the spinnary to go ahead and sort the wool and take the extra work cost to see if they have enough wool there so I don't have to add any new.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 13092013 
Friday the 13th and I have done what I will be doing most days in the coming weeks, spinning. Our Friday meeting with my class was fun, we had the first tour of our workstations and talked about what we had done and showed some stuff. It gave a much fuller experience than just sitting at a table talking for an hour.

Weaver's log, Earthdate 14092013 
On today's agenda is to do a final dyeing with the cochineal and get rid of it afterwards. I am not totally satisfied with the colour I got, even tho I know that it wouldn't be the same as last time I hade white and now a very light grey. So the new plan with the fabric is a pink light purple tartan.

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